PRYZBA-fest: Theatre. Ecology. Social art.
8-10 August, 2014: Bieloviezhskaya Puscha, Zalessie, Vialikae Sialo.
On 8-10 of August natural and ecological complex “Zelessie” and theatre “Kryly Halopa” organise Pryzba-fest.
The idea of the fest lies in the going out of theatre halls, cities’ borders, borders of so-called cultural spaces. Performances, workshops, discussions, concerts, film screenings will be held outdoors, on the purposely built for the event summer scene, in the villages nearby, involving local citizens in the action.
The main questions and theme to discuss during the fest will be: what social art is and should art be social? In this context will be presented deviant Belarusian art and video-presentation of the project – the travelling of the theatre Wegaity in Albania. We present the performance of the theatre “Wegaity” “Zemia B” and the project “Kinemo” (silent movies accompanied by live music). There will be an opportunity to take part in the workshops of the theatre “Kryly Halopa”, of ecologists from the eco-tourist center “Zalessie” and APB “Bird-life Belarus”, work-shops of eco-design and shadow theatre. One of the fest days will be held in the nearby village, as the day of Velikoye Selo, with the participation of the local citizens. And this is only the part of the programme, which is still being completed.
We are very glad to present for the first time in Belarus the activity of one of the leaders of alternative Polish theatres – village theatre “Wegaity”. Starting from the 1986 it works in the field of “rite theatre” and folk song, makes theatre researches in the travelling to Macedonia, Albania, Slovakia, Ukraine, works on the animation projects with village children and people from nursing homes, joins in their performances the tradition of village theatre and ecological thinking, work with the traditional mask, music, esthetics and anxiety, caused by globalization, ecological and cultural crises.
Within the frameworks of PRYZBA-fest we’ll join in the programme the search, experiment, vision, experience of different initiatives and people. We see PRYZBA-fest as the space for creativity, participation, borders extension, thoughts about future.
Pryzba-fest is organized with the support of:
– The project USAID, realized by UNDP “Local businesses and economic development” within the frameworks of the initiative “A capacity building of ecotourism subjects through collaboration in joined eco-oriented tourist product of the Byelovezhskaya Puscha region”,
– NP “Belovyezhskaya Puscha”,
– Theatre “Wegaity”,
– Adam Mickiewicz Institute,
– Velikoselski local government.