Brest Transborder Infocenter – Eco-tourist complex “Zalessie” – Theatre “Kryly Halopa” (Brest)
Theatre. Ecology. Social art.
Fr, 08.08, Zalessie
11.00 – 14.00 workshops
16.00 Darya Yaskievich: presentation “Deviant art in the orphanages in Belarus”
17.30 Tanya Artsimovich: lecture “Violence responses violence or Art with the active social position”
20.30 Discussion “Should art be social?” Moderated by Volha Shparaha
19.30 Dinner with the local citizens with the folk songs
22.30 KINEMO festival – the first in Belarus open-air festival of silent movies and contemporary music. Movie “My granny” (Georgia, 1929)
Sut., 09.08, Zalessie
11.00 -14.00 workshops
14.00 presentation of eco-tourist complex “Zalessie”
15.30 Zhanna Panamarenka: lecture “Discourse of power in contemporary art”
17.00 The presentation of the documentation “Origins and Future” and “Caravan of the South” about the theatre “Wegaity” expedition to Albania
19.00 music project “Andarack”, concert
21.00 theatre “Kryly Halopa”, performance “The Trial”
22.00 discussion after the performance
23.00 KINEMO festival: short movies “Entr’acte” (France, 1924) and “Travelling to the Moon” (France, 1902)
24.00 project of electronic music Pavel Ambiont & Solar Olga
Sun., 10.08, Zalessie
11.00 – 14.00 workshops
22.00 KINEMO festival: short movies by Buster Keaton. The participants of the workshop “Tapiorstva” are invited for the participation!
23.00 Jam-Session
Sun., 10.08, Vialikae Sialo
16.00 Children performance on the base of true stories of Vialikae Sialo. Actors: children from Vialikae Sialo!
16.45 demonstration of the result of circus workshop with the children of Vialikae Sialo
17.00 performance of the theatre “Wegaity” (Poland) “Earth B”
18.00 open workshop of traditional dancing from the theatre “Wegaity.” We invite everyone!
19.00 joint dinner with the citizens of Vialikae Sialo. We ask all citizens to bring to the common table their favourite dish!
Changes in the programme are possible
Friday 60 000 rub
Saturday 100 000 rub
Sunday free
Pryzba-fest is organized with the support of:
The project USAID, realized by UNDP “Local businesses and economic development” within the frameworks of the initiative “A capacity building of ecotourism subjects through collaboration in joined eco-oriented tourist product of the Byelovezhskaya Puscha region”
Theatre “Wegaity”
Adam Mickiewicz Institute
Velikoselski local government
Pryzhany regional government
Finansed by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland